Advances in technology are present in more and more devices. Something that has led to the creation of the connected home, an option to enjoy more of our day-to-day. As if that were not enough, this technology is becoming more accessible, thanks to its ease of use and cheaper costs.
In the early 1960s, the series “The Jetsons” premiered on television. In it, a particular family living in a futuristic society showed us what technology would bring us over time. And although we don’t have flying cars on the streets right now, many of the details of that children’s show are in our homes today.
These are reflected in a trend known as the smart home. It contains a wide variety of connected technological devices, with which our daily life is more comfortable. Plus, since these are getting cheaper, you no longer have to save up to add a good dose of modern technology to those nice cheap armchairs in your living room. So that you also join this trend, we discover the most current products.
Our selection starts with modern digital assistants. Among them, we have Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, which are the best known. With them, we have practical access to the network, the ability to play music, organize our agenda, or search the Internet just by asking what we want to know.
But, in addition to all these functions, the assistants become a key element in managing this digital home. If the compatibility is adequate, this device will allow us to easily use the rest of the connected elements in our home. Something that makes it easy to turn off the lights or adjust the heating without leaving the bed.
Air conditioning
One of the strengths of the smart home is related to home air conditioning. Today, there are many air conditioners that include WiFi connectivity, which it easy to manage their operation from a mobile. The same goes for the thermostats for heating, which facilitate the configuration of the system and also serve to program its operation to our liking.
Of course, even with all this technology, it is still highly recommended to make sure you are familiar with AC Preventative Maintenance and you keep your AC unit regularly serviced to make sure it is always working in the best condition.
As an additional advantage, these intelligent systems learn from our habits, autonomously. Something that allows its artificial intelligence to know better and adjust the temperature to what is necessary at all times. A detail that will help you both to enjoy comfortable sensations and to save energy in your home.
The kitchen is another of the spaces that have felt this technological revolution the most. One of the strong points is found in refrigerators. In them we no longer only refrigerate food, but screens and cameras are included, to see its interior without having to open it. There is also no lack of internet connection, which helps us search for recipes, access the shopping list, or even watch series and movies on our screen.
The other strong point is in the cooking elements, such as the oven or microwave. Thanks to this connectivity, it is easy to check their status or use them even when we are not at home. But it is also possible to access specific and personalized recipes, which are prepared to perfection by controlling both the temperatures and the times of each preparation you make.
Home Clean
Cleaning is one of the most annoying tasks of our day-to-day. But thanks to new smart home solutions, this task is greatly simplified. We have the proof in modern autonomous vacuum cleaners. These machines walk along on the floor of your home without leaving a single space without stepping. During your trips, the vacuum cleaner is responsible for cleaning, vacuuming, or even scrubbing the floor, leaving it always impeccable.
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We also find interesting novelties in traditional products, such as the washing machine or the dishwasher. The newly connected washing machines allow them to be controlled remotely, even by voice, or to add new programs that are more efficient or suitable for certain uses. The same goes for dishwashers which, in addition to this control, also share much cheaper processes with washing machines in terms of water and energy consumption. And as always, we cannot forget the possibility of controlling them remotely.
Lighting is another field in which new technology stands out. Today, the LED has practically completely displaced previous systems, offering new possibilities for lighting your home. Among them, we find those offered by smart light bulbs. These are managed through the assistants already mentioned or through the mobile. Among its functions, we have the possibility of choosing a color, brightness, and other light parameters, and can even create specific scenes or environments for certain tasks.
Security and access control
To close our list, we must not forget the security of our home. A section where new technologies also have their leading role. One of the most interesting novelties is surveillance systems using IP cameras. These make it easy to control the environment or the interior of your home, obtaining real-time alerts in the event of an intrusion. These are sent to your mobile along with living video images, with which to assess that risk.
Another interesting element is smart locks. With them, it is easy to control access to any home or room, even without keys. In return, your fingers become the key to open the door, thanks to fingerprint readers. And if you want to change your classic doorman for a 2.0 one, the new models include network connectivity, mobile control, and many more options. Perfect to see clearly who is approaching your door.